This kiddo is amazing. And those are sunflower seeds. I taught him my habit. Well, it was hilarious, he tried to crack the shells, but really couldn't. Then he began to eat the whole thing! My mom asked me why I didn't crack them for him, but that would take forever! Maybe we'll try again next year haha.
Cooper is probably the love of my life...just sayin!
Baby feet!!!!!
He became obsessed with collecting acorns. I don't know what the deal was, but he would gather a bunch, and then throw them. He's got an amazing arm for a 3 year old, and he's ambidextrous. He asked me to take a picture of these, so I made him get in the picture. Silly kid!
Play time with Pops!
The extent of my photography skills. I perched him in a tree and told him to hang on. I'm so glad he didn't fall out!
He spent an hour playing in the dirt. I thought I might add some water so he would have mud, but my mom vetoed the idea. He's a boy!
The view from my parents' front porch.
A colorful Texas sunset.
My fellow genius, twin from another mother Paige. It was so good to see her and catch up. It's been so long!
This is my city, don't knock it til you've tried it. The triangle building in the back is my favorite, it looks way better close up.If I could relocate Dallas to the shore of Pensacola, I would never leave.
okay i read your blog...a little random not really sure, bc im not gonna read all 34 posts, but i only have 4 so now its your turn!