This is the direct follow-up to the first post I wrote about answers here.
But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him.--John 4:23
I posted a couple of weeks ago my feelings on worship, and music has been a huge part of my life since I was a child. However, it's never really been something that I have considered as anything more than a hobby. This week has changed that for me. The irony is that I could have gone to college for free wen I was 17 for music, but I was adamant that I did NOT want to be a musician. It's just another instance of how God gives us second chances to do the things He plans for us. It's brilliant, and beautiful, but I digress some...
I was in my "shower space-out listen to God" time the other day His revelation came. Worship pastor...were the words He whispered to me. Just like the painting episode, I looked straight up and said, "really???" I love it when He surprises me, when I never see it coming, when I'm just like, ok, that's cool, but not at ALL what I expected. So I settled my mind a little bit and resolved to pray. The problem, you see, is that I have fallen victim to words that were not from God before, and I tend to be pretty hesitant and cautious when I hear big, powerful things like this. Therefore, I started praying hard, and kept praying, so much like Gideon...laying down the fleece, because I don't believe Him the first time He says it.
My affirmation came Friday night, from a mature believer, as it should, and was really a lovely, touching compliment. My very dear friend told me how wonderful it was to see me on stage worshiping freely, and compared it to a "beautiful butterfly" that had been set free from it's cocoon. I cried...even though I didn't tell him that. I don't really care how it looks, or what anyone thinks, but the reality is that I desperately needed a word from God reassuring me that I was not mistaken. It's glorious (and glorifies Him) to hear that other people are touched by the gift that He gave me to worship, to love him unabashedly, to be unfettered from the things of this world as I completely show my adoration. If I could worship 24/7, I absolutely would. In my private moments at home, I actually do.
Moving forward, I was very convicted about what my next step needed to be, and that was speaking to my worship pastor and asking him if he would start teaching me all the things that I need to learn. I have no expectations, and I have no time frame, because I know that I have a daunting education in front of me, and that God will bring things to fruition in His own perfect timing. On the way to church yesterday, I began to be afraid....second guessing myself, God, what talent I have, if I had lost my mind, if I was going to make a fool out of myself...just a million doubts. As I battled them away, I felt sure that it was the right move, because the enemy wouldn't have wasted the time with the fear tactic unless I was doing God's will. To my stunning, fearful surprise, my pastor was affirming, and positive, and eager to be a teacher in this manner.
I am blown away....just blown away by how good He is to me. I would absolutely not be able to do this, to be in this place, and to be confident and sure like this, if it wasn't for the freedom that I have found since letting go of some painful realities in my life. As I start this new journey, and move forward into this new season, I am reminded that He is always true. As I mentioned once before here, God's words have been bombarding me for some time...
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. - Isaiah 43:19
What a glorious new thing this is. Six very short months ago, I was desperately lost in the wilderness, and living in a wasteland. Be faithful, listen diligently, seek His face, and He will answer you, love you, give you everything your heart desires.
Awesome <3 I am so happy for you <3