Monday, December 19, 2011

Life Less...

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. - Isaiah 43:19

I hear this verse in my head all the time these days...God in my head, saying I am doing a new thing Stacey. So much of it is outside my comprehension, and although I know something is happening, I'm not entirely sure what that something is.

On the way to work this afternoon I saw the most incredible rainbow. It was such a dreary, rainy day...perfect for sleeping in til noon, which I did! But there it was, remarkably brilliant against the backdrop of gray rain. Completely formed across the entire spectrum of light, in a complete arc. It was a perfect moment of beauty.

I perceive that something is coming, that God is bringing me to some unknown place. That now is a period of resting, of waiting, of being content with things just as they are.

Is it wrong to feel bliss in the laziness? As someone who is obsessed with being busy all the time, it's almost confusing to have free time. This isn't coming out right today...

I'm empty, but I feel full...

Perhaps that is the point right now.

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