Friday, December 16, 2011

A Little Tease of What's Coming...

I have a million things to say...well, at least a hundred. My mind is all a jumble at this point, though, and I've still got two days of school to get through. For a bit of good news, though, it's looking like 2 A's and 1 B....considering that the past couple semesters have been rather sad in comparison, I'm pretty excited. But I'm not finished yet, and those projections are based on finishing two more exams and one more research paper.

Then, maybe, I'll be able to spill out everything that's going on right now. Here are a few hints, for myself to remember as much as for you to expect!

  • Freedom (which I mentioned about a week ago)
  • Moving and my new roommate
  • Scuba diving small group (oh yeah, it's back!)
  • Crafting: painting and some reupholstering projects
  • Royalty...I'm super excited about this. It's based on a book by Kris Vallotton from Bethel, and he's sending me the book and the workbook to preview. I think this is going to be a mind-blowing, life changing small group.
  • What my job means for my future
  • New friendships

In the meantime, I re-posted something from August. It's hidden in the files, but you're more than welcome to help yourself to a little bit more of the past, in my current absence. This place keeps getting more personal, but I'm just hoping that maybe someone will read something that I've had to struggle through, and find some sort of help. The reason for our trials, after all, is to show God's magnificent glory in overcoming life's heartaches.

I hope everyone is staying excited and strong this holiday  season. Remembering the real reason for celebration, whose birthday it TRULY is, and not to let the concept of Jesus ruin who He really is. In the spirit of it being almost Christmas, I'll post one of my newly found favorite songs to celebrate His birth.

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