Wednesday, September 26, 2012

When the Phone Rings

O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will (Matthew 26:39).

I never really thought I would feel this way about my own calling.

Word this morning: "I have to know that you will choose me over what you want in that fleeting moment. You are not alone because I am always here. I have something different for you, and being different is not easy. I'm asking you to trust ME. I won't let you down."

In the face of the difficult, I find myself longing for the easy. My definition of "easy" is probably not really easy at all, but it appears that way when measured against the alternative. If it appears that I'm being strangely obtuse, I apologize. I'm just caught up in the personal right now. I used to think that my calling was gloriously I just feel like it's way too much trouble. In that whiny, petulant voice, the glamour of being different fades away into a pouty "WHY??" Then I recall the words that I have whispered over and over...use me....and I am slammed with the realization that just last night I scribbled furiously in my personal journal:


Those words do not leave me with the option to send God to voice mail...

Friday, September 14, 2012


This topic is just on my mind right now. Perhaps because it's something going on simultaneously with several people in my life. I find myself on both sides of the issue, both receiving and extending forgiveness. We all wrestle with this one.

On receiving forgiveness: We feel frustration when people do not forgive us. If we have to forgive others, then this person has to forgive us! Wrong....they are commanded by God to forgive us, but the choice not to is beyond our control. Our requirement here is to express contrition, be honest and open in our apology, and pray for a restored relationship. As much as it hurts to know that someone is continuing to hold on to anger/resentment/hatred/distrust towards us, we have to be willing to let it go and trust that only God can do the hard stuff.

On extending forgiveness: I know what you're thinking right now....But you don't know what this person did to me...You're right, I don't, but I've had it all done to me at one point or another, so I can guess. We are so arrogant here. We feel so wronged and hurt, and that person doesn't deserve our forgiveness. NO, they don't, but neither did you. I definitely DO NOT  deserve to be forgiven for the million horrible things I've done, but I am. If our goal is to be like Christ, then we absolutely have to get over our own misplaced pride - the same misplaced pride that will destroy your relationships - and graciously forgive others.

Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little (Luke 7:47) - This woman was a prostitute, immoral and unclean in all of Israel, and at Jesus' feet, she poured out her value (perfume) and her heart (tears). She GAVE of herself in requesting absolution, and forGIVEness was granted.

And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him. So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses (Matthew 18:34-35) - This follows the famous "7x70" command, and the story revolves around a man who has been forgiven his debts, and yet refuses to forgive others theirs. We are all forgiven for debts too numerous and horrible to recount, but Christ GAVE it to us. We cannot afford to be stingy to GIVE the same gift to others.

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace (Ephesians 1:7) - I have said it already, but it bears repeating. We did nothing to deserve the free gift of eternal forgiveness. In spite of our failures as humans since the beginning of time, in spite of a history of not being sorry for any of it, in spite of not deserving it, forgiveness was granted. He GAVE love, so that we could GIVE the same love to others.

It cost God EVERYTHING to forgive us....why should forgiving others not cost us something as well?

Maybe it's pride, or anger, or simply stubbornness. Maybe it's that aching hurt that we just don't want to let go. Maybe it's that resentment that's been keeping us company at night for years. The question I have is this: Why are we holding on to something that is only hurting us? There is FREEDOM in forgiveness. Jesus came and gave His own life so that we could live in that freedom, to not be bound by the disappointments, and hurts, and let-downs we experience.

He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins (1 John 1:9)....Let's BE like Christ, BE what He intended for us, BE the light, BE the love that gives freely...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

After All

Sometimes we don't even realize that we're in a spiritual wasteland. It creeps in, subtly at first, just a little distance here, and forgetting to pray there, and then suddenly, we realize that we're standing alone on an island. As we look around and wonder in befuddlement how we got there, it dawns on us that we just drifted there.

I can't comprehend Your infinitely beautiful and perfect love

It's not like I've backslid into an overtly sinful place. But it's not a place of passion, either. And maybe it's the church that I was working with, or the secular music I've been listening to, or the reading focused more on intellectual study than personal revelation, or a lack of spiritual covering, or not making specific time every day to pray, but my relationship with God has stagnated these past few weeks.

You are holy

I'm happy to be back at the church I was attending.
I'm content to experience worship in the back pew.
I've downloaded some new (old) music.
My hermeneutics text is not the Bible.
Please pray over me if you're reading this.
I need morning devotional time.

Thank you, David Crowder* Band, for giving me a song to put on repeat that shakes me out of my trance.

Heaven and earth are full, full of Your glory, glory
My soul it overflows, full of Your glory,Your glory
Oh blessed is He who reigns, full of Your glory, Your glory
My cup it CAN'T contain all of Your glory, Your GLORY!!!!

Enjoy and thanks for "listening."

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Voice of One

It's been an interesting week focused on being the mouth of God. I am convicted, and troubled, and unsure of even how to do what we are supposed to...

Speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15)...

Truth is easy, it's that love part mixed with truth that causes problems. People don't want to hear truth sometimes. It's too painful, too real, too raw....

On Wednesday I received a message that a troubled young man I knew had died of a drug overdose. I began to consider my own guilt and disobedience in the matter. This was a teenager caught in a destructive lifestyle that I spent some time around about a year ago. He expressed interest in coming to church with me, and on the one Sunday it was to happen, he didn't show. I began to get busy with other ministries, with believers, and quit taking time to talk with him. A couple months before I left, he contacted me wanting to get together...I never followed up. Now, I repeatedly warned him of the dangers of his recreational drug use. But you know what I never did...?

I never called him out for the expressly forbidden sins he was committing in other areas of his life. As I realized what had happened last week, I was overwhelmed with sadness. I began to track the time, and wonder if he was standing in judgment before God, if he already had, what had happened, what God had said, how he had responded.

Did I miss the opportunity to be the voice that spoke truth in his life?

I was afraid to offend...afraid to bruise feelings...afraid to alienate someone. The reality is that alienation from myself is of no concern, when he had chosen to alienate himself from the source of all life.

I failed...

I am absolutely positive that on the day that I stand before God, I will have to answer questions about why...

And I realize that my singular voice was one of many warning him of the realities of his decisions. The loss of a 20 year old with a lot of amazing qualities is a tragedy regardless of anything else. I am saddened that the evils of the world have taken another young life. I am burdened at the hanging question of his spiritual state...something which I could have addressed. This is a regret that I will not forget.

I had another chance this week to be obedient in speaking truth. Second chance to speak conviction over a  church for being "stiff-necked" and "lukewarm"....yeah, God told me to say those things. I don't know about you, but I really don't want to say things that are offensive! I want people to LIKE me....but loving God is much more important than liking me. So I prayed, got nauseated, and spoke the truth....

Perhaps it falls on deaf ears, but I am left this week considering our responsibility to other people. I have often said that truth is not the fun policy, but it is the best policy. I hate lies and untruths of any form, and yet when it comes to reacting this way in Christian relationships, I tend to shy away from the burden of saying the hard things. It is easy when it comes from me...but how do I tell someone they are wrong based on what "God said"...? It is this fear that keeps us from giving people the opportunity to reject God.

And never question the fact that the GOSPEL IS OFFENSIVE. People have to be presented with the truth, and given the option to reject everything about it. Not a watered down, culturally friendly, socially forgiving Gospel...but the real Gospel, that demands qadosh....holiness...set apartness....

I beg you to take away from my stories this week a reality that does not go away. Sometimes we have to say things to other people that they are not going to like. Sometimes they are not only going to reject God, but reject us....

He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me (Luke 10:16)....

If someone doesn't want to hear from Jesus, then they most certainly are not going to want to hear from you....but when God is calling us to be obedient to speak the truth, we must set our own feelings aside, learn to love the person, and speak the truth He has called us to is not an easy task, and probably one of the hardest we face as a believer. But it is worth the momentary discomfort in a relationship to avoid the question I am asking right now about a lost young man....

Could the truth I avoided speaking have made a difference in his eternity?