Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hurry Up Already!!!

I heard someone say the other day to stop working on your weaknesses because we're weak at doing them! Perhaps there is room for a little chuckle here, but it almost makes sense. Sure, we should strive to become better at the things in which we lack, but what if maybe we shouldn't? Maybe we should just ignore those things, give them to God, and work on the things that we're already good at.

I'm terrible with patience.

Even when I'm trying to be impatiently patient, I do a poor job. I'm a instant gratification junkie, and I've been known to make a decision out of poor options rather than wait for a good one to come along. Granted, I've improved, but there are still areas where I should just throw in the towel.

Now, I know that God's timing is impeccable, and mine is crap. Got that. But I find myself sometimes saying, "can't we just hurry up and get to that part?" I'm wishing my life away, and that's not something I want to do. Instead of waiting patiently, I'm praying for days to pass more quickly, and the end result to be nearer.

So patience, maybe I should quit trying so hard and just embrace impatience and pray for God to fix it.

I don't like uncertainty, either, but I can save that subject for a different day!

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