Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Answers: Part One

There has been some confusion in my life here lately. New people I meet ask me all the time what I do, or what I'm studying, and I'm usually somewhat vague, and not overly informative. I'm sure people feel like they have to drag things out of me sometimes. Because I don't want to answer THE question:

So what do you want to do after you graduate?

"Um, something in ministry. I'm not sure yet, but God will show me His will." Followed by a big smile, because I don't have anything else to say. The reality is that I am absolutely sure that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, but as of the last several months, I've been very confused about where everything is leading. I assumed that pastoral counseling was the "it", even though I have inclinations that range from getting my Ph.D and teaching Old Testament studies to running a web ministry to writing a book. It's something I've been praying a lot about, losing some sleep over, and waiting patiently for God to answer.

My revelation came this morning, in a sweet moment of understanding, as God showed me what I was supposed to do. He even showed me some people that I need to talk to, which is one reason that I'm not going to just lay it all out there right now, today. Here is what I will say:

In all of my running around, various ways in which I serve the church and God's Kingdom, there is one place I've found that brings me the greatest joy and touches my soul in the deepest part. It is the place where I am at home, and comfortable, and not at all afraid to let everything be all God.

I am going to pray earnestly and passionately pursue the answer that God gave me on this crucial part of my life.

This is a good way to wrap it up! I Surrender by Jesus Culture:

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