Wednesday, July 18, 2012

You are My Passion

I'm alive to bring glory to You King, God of victory, You are my passion...I've said before that if I could spend all my hours, every day, doing one thing, it would be worship. And I realize that our lives are supposed to be a 24/7 act of worship in every moment. I am, more specifically, talking about musically. I read a blog of a pastor that I respect very much, speaking of vision, and how it is what we were created to do. I have never in my life felt as much joy, belonging, completion as when I'm using music to bring glory to God. Why does the reality of life get in the way??? Heaven come down, I am so ready for continual worship.

It's in the way You are, You don't change at all, Great and humble God, You are my passion...It's true, He never changes....if there is a distance, then it must be me. Was I disobedient? Am I not seeking enough? Not praying enough? Not serving enough? What am I doing wrong? But no, there is no condemnation, just a quiet stillness. Maybe there is nothing to say right now. Maybe the gift is the peace of rest. Maybe the words are already written. 

My strength in life is I am Yours, my soul delights because I am yours...If I did not have the love of God, living in Christ, inside of me, I would be lost. Bereft, disillusioned, broken, scattered, obliterated. He is the place to crawl when I feel bruised, battered, alone. He is the person I thank for all the gifts in my life. He is everything, no matter where I am, who I'm with, or what I'm doing. 

Your will on earth is all I'm living for...I promised everything, am willing to do anything. Here is where I breakdown...why am I not moving forward? I don't know how to rest, shouldn't we be taking ground? But no....after the last year, I need a period of recuperation. I feel like I'm not doing enough. I'm praying every day for His will to be brought out in my life. It has happened before, what's different now? I don't know how to slow and now, there is no other choice.

Jesus, I glorify, Jesus, my love is Yours, You are my heart's desire, I long to know You more...Whatever You want, whatever You're doing, ok....I'm just gonna wait...and keep screaming these words from the bottom of my heart.

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