Saturday, October 27, 2012

Obedience Brings the Blessing

For four months (probably longer) I whined about my life. Definitely longer...On the eve of my life completely shifting, these were words whispered into my heart. So many times in the recent year I've been asked to let go, release, walk away, relinquish, give up....until the very last thing I was asked to crucify was one of the things I wanted the most. So I stood in the shower (because I have God epiphanies there for some random reason),

crying as I surrendered the last of my will,
fully aware that the ability to let go was beyond my comprehension,
begging for any kind of grace to deal with the death of yet another dream...

Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it... (John 12:24-25).

Sometimes the task is more than we know how to accomplish. Whether it's walking away from the life you built, or giving up the plans you made, or or setting aside the dreams you had....the problem in all of those things is that they are all about built, you made, you had...the lesson I have learned is that obedience does in fact bring the blessing. While it may seem that the obedience is heart-breaking, and against everything you hold dear at that very moment, the obedience to release your will is necessary for God to impose His...

This is my blessing <3

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