Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Treasure

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field (Matthew 13:44).

This is my favorite parable. Now, I know there are longer parables that are equally as fascinating, but what I appreciate so much about this particular one is that it communicates profound truth in a single verse. Jesus was really good at getting right to the heart of the matter, and this illustrates that so perfectly.

It is the heart of the matter that I find myself overly concerned about today. One of my favorite things about God (if there is such a thing) is the way He meets us sometimes in the strangest of places. It is often an intimately shocking, unexpected moment when He wraps our hearts in conviction and says, GO. Sometimes it is a crazy huge request that leaves us reeling, but sometimes, it is that simple gut punch that we need to go talk to someone.

Once a year, my church hosts our missionaries from around the world for an entire weekend of services, as they share what God is doing around the world in every nation (Mathew 28:19). This is my second year to experiences Missions Conference, and as I sat today waiting to hear a familiar voice speaking, I had that moment.

I have always said that if did international missions, I wanted to go to the Philippines. I have an extensive list of the why's, but that is not important at the moment. I entertain the idea of missions like I entertain the idea of a's a great idea, but overwhelming. And of course, it's easy to be inspired by a conference featuring men and women who are out there doing it! At the same time, I usually just shrug off the thought and go on about my business.

Something profound happened today, although I am not sure at the direction it will go. A seed was planted in my own I listened to a missionary to the Philippines tell the story of his amazing miracle child, which brought tears to my eyes, I began to pay closer attention. And as his 8 minutes neared the halfway point, he spoke my favorite parable. It was as if time stopped for a minute, and then resumed as my pulse started racing. I cannot remember what was said the rest of his time, because I just felt a compulsion to talk to him.

So I sat through the other presentations, all the while trying to discern what I was supposed to say. At the end of the service, I wandered through to find him, intent on saying something because God was leading me to. As I made a quick stop in the bathroom, anxiety and fear began to overcome me. It was uncomfortable and unusual, and just reinforced the knowledge that I was supposed to have a conversation.

As I had a short talk with this missionary, I told him what had transpired, dropped a few sentences about myself, in rambling broken speech, after which he shared an anecdote about the time after college when he was searching for a position. He prayed for me, and I resolved to sit through the repeat of his presentation and pray over donating to his mission.

To end a long story (which seemed shorter earlier), I do not know what I committed to, other than a small monthly donation, but as I took my place on stage for second service, I was still battling the anxiety. I stood there, hands poised to play, and just reminded God that He had all of me, no matter what it cost or where it led.

I do not know why He moved so obviously in my heart today, or why I was attacked with fear and anxiety at the mere thought of a conversation, but I can only say that in some way, some how, some seed was sown today in my life, and I do not know where that will take me, but I have been convicted to pray heavily about the Philippines.

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