Thursday, February 2, 2012

Biblical Whammies

I should really be writing a 500 word critique right now, but (as is often the case) I am rendered stuck until I get this off my chest. One of my friends posted an entry about why she blogs, and for the life of me, I sometimes wonder who I'm doing this for. That is not the topic I am concerned with today.

I've been getting bombarded with a couple of biblical truths here lately. Over the past few days, the same verses keep appearing, in schoolwork, devotionals, emails, conversations, small groups, so I'm aware that God is obviously speaking something to me that I should explore.

For man does not see as God sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord sees into the heart.--1 Sam. 16:7...This one first came up in this amazing study of David that I'm participating in with a group of women. On first look, I'm just grateful that God sees what's in our heart, because sometimes our actions and appearance do not provide a true mirror. The first part, man does not see as God sees, is a stunning truth about human nature. When people look at us, or we look at others, we often don't pause to consider what's inside that person. We just take who they are at face value, often assuming that they are something they are not. In a brilliant stroke of God's grace, I am usually able to see people for who they's somewhat of a gift that I have, the ability to see who people really are, especially weaknesses. Because I often see truths of their heart, I tend to stand up for people who exhibit outwardly negative behaviors, but have better intentions. To be honest, I'm not sure what point God is trying to drive home with this one...I know that it's more important to seek a person's heart, that what lies in that place is often unmatched by the exterior. Is it my own heart, perhaps, that is the purpose of this verse coming at me from several directions?

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.--John 14:12-13..This one makes a lot more sense right now, for myself, for a group of women I'm leading in a small group, and for a particular situation of deliverance. This is an amazing promise of gifting! A quick perusal of the Gospels give us a wide range of miracles: healing, casting out demons, raising from the dead, etc. These are things that are promised to followers of Christ....this is so important to who we are in His kingdom! If we are his chosen people, royal priesthood, and holy nation, then it is our responsibility and right to do these works!!!!! It only works, however, if we embrace it in complete faith and trust...knowing that God will do as He promised!!!!!

In closing, go seek out some hearts, and cast out some demons!!!!

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